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West Country Women Awards 2023

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Plymouth City Council is perfectly placed to support and celebrate the diversity and equality of all women in the South West. Over 330 businesses have signed the council’s charter to demonstrate their commitment to a fairer, greener future for Plymouth, run by Plymouth City Council on behalf of Plymouth Growth Board.


Employment opportunities which provide fair, flexible work, enabling everyone to thrive is a key area for the council. Women make up over half the population of the Region and on average, they do better than boys in education. However in the workplace, many struggle to develop their careers.


This sponsorship of the Diversity and Equality Award celebrates those women who go beyond their day job to embrace the excellence of all our citizens irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation or deprivation.

This year, the West Country Women Awards’ chosen charity is ‘Georgia’s Voice.’ A small, free, confidential support group for young women with mental health concerns. Offering a safe place to come and talk, listen or just be.”


Nominations are now closed. Find our more about the event here


Our second finalist is Lucy Findlay MBE of Social Enterprise Mark CIC! Lucy founded the Social Enterprise Mark’s Women’s Leadership Network in 2021 as well as helped to develop the Disability Employment Mark with Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) for Local Authorities and Social Enterprises.

You can read our conversation on what Diversity and Equality means to her below:

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The third finalist is Zehra Zaidi, who has campaigned to improve the representation of British people from ethnic minority backgrounds on civic symbols such as statues and legal tender and founded 'We Too Built Britain'.

You can read our conversation on what Diversity and Equality means to her below:

You can view the rest of the finalists for the West Country Women Awards 2022 here.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

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