Making sure Plymouth people have the skills and the support they need is a key part of the city’s economic recovery programme from the impact of Covid-19.
Skills 4 Plymouth is a part of the Resurgam programme and has been set up to help local people – both adults facing redundancy and young people whose first career steps are compromised - to get the right skills to improve their chances of getting employment.
Local businesses will be supported to ensure they have the skilled workforce they need to aid recovery now as well as planning to meet their future skills demands.
Jon Taylor, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Transformation said:
“We are pleased that the government recognises that people will need new experiences to prepare for jobs in these challenging times. We're working in partnership with DWP and with skills delivery and support partners, to provide the right skills offer that Plymouth people can easily access to improve their employment prospects.
“We will help our employers to understand new funding opportunities and ensure that their needs helps shape local skills provision so that Plymouth businesses can attract the skilled workforce that they need.”
To support employers and workforces facing the risk of redundancy, the Council has set up Plymouth’s Major Employers Emergency Response team. Working in partnership with DWP and business sector representatives, this rapid response team will help deal with large scale unemployment in Plymouth’s major employers, should it arise
Plans are also well now underway to set up ‘Skills Launchpad Plymouth’ – an online one stop shop to help people facing redundancy and targeted support for our young people through the new Youth Hub.
This service will provide information and guidance, real-time labour market intelligence, and match opportunities to pathways into employment, apprenticeships and traineeships, work experience, training, education, volunteering and self-employment.
Jon Taylor, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Transformation said:
“We recognise the confusing landscape of skills and the difficult reality that due to the economic impact of Covid-19, Plymouth may not have enough jobs for everyone who wants to work. We understand the huge pressures facing local people who are at risk of losing their income and how vulnerable our young people are trying to enter the jobs market at this time.
“This is why we have joined forces with city partners to create this one stop service. Through Skills Launchpad Plymouth we will ensure an informed, supportive and empowered skills journey experience which will create opportunities for up-skilling and re-training, and support both adults and young people to become work ready so they are best placed to fill local jobs.”